OpenUtilities Substation Help

Extract Grounding Grid Data

The Extract Grounding Grid Data tool enables you to preview a report of grid component quantities as shown in the example below.

Accessed from:

The report identifies the length of each wire type used and the number of 3 wire and 4 wire welding points used. This quick report displays information on items found on the active page. If the grounding grid extends to other pages in the project, the items included on those pages are not processed for this quick report.

Grounding Grid Reports

For complete reports on grounding grid components, report templates are provided in the Run Reports dialog. The following report templates are available under the Bill of Materials (Substation) node. If the grounding grid extends across multiple pages in a project, all elements are combined and pulled into the report.
  • BOM_GroundingGrid_Grouped_Qty
  • BOM_GroundingGrid_Itemized
  • BOM_GroundingGrid_Qty